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Real Estate

The purchase and sale of registered property goes through the notary. In addition, the notary establishes the mortgage right. The issuance of ground lease also goes through the notary.


Family Practice

Never encounter surprises when it comes to a marriage, inheritance or cohabitation agreement. Directly to family practice.

Real estate

The purchase and sale of registered property goes through the notary. In addition, the notary establishes the mortgage right. Leasehold issues also go through the notary. Directly to Real Estate.

Corporate Practice

Are you about to establish a corporation, foundation or association? This is done through the so-called “Notarial Deed. Feel free to ask about the possibilities. Directly to Corporate Practice.

Other services

All kinds of different agencies may ask for the legalization of your signature. Feel free to stop by the office for more information. Directly to Other Services.


Properties whose debtor fails to pay interest and/or principal are auctioned through the notary. Directly to Auctions.

Purchase and sale of register property

Purchase agreements relating to real estate can be concluded in Bonaire both orally and in writing. Usually a real estate agent is involved who guides the purchase/sale and drafts the purchase agreement, but you can also buy a house without the involvement of a real estate agent. However, it is then wise to prepare a written purchase agreement. For drafting such a purchase agreement, we can be of service.

Based on the purchase agreement signed by the seller and buyer, our office will check with the land registry whether the plot has undergone cadastral changes and whether the ascription is correct. Should a mortgage right be present, the notary will arrange for its cancellation so that the property is transferred free of mortgage and attachment.

We also examine whether any special obligations are included in respect of the property. This may be evident from, among other things, the previous deeds of transfer. Should this contain any special obligations, for example easements, we will incorporate them into the new deed of transfer

In short, we will ensure that both the buyer and seller fulfill their obligations so that delivery can take place on the agreed date, free of mortgages and/or encumbrances.

Apartment Rights

Apartment rights arise because the owner of a building or land decides to divide it into separately marketable units. This division into apartment rights is recorded in a notarized deed, the division deed. The subdivision deed establishes rules and regulations, which could be called the rules of the game between the apartment owners/residents.

Are you planning to split your building or would like more information about apartment rights please contact us without obligation.


Public lands in Bonaire are leased by the government to citizens or agencies for various purposes.

The land given on a long lease by the government remains the property of the government, it is only given on loan for a certain period of time. The leasehold issue (or renewal) must go through the notary. The ground lease requires payment of an annual ground rent per square meter. In addition, land tax or property tax must also be paid annually, just as with owned land.


Often the purchase of a plot of land or a home is accompanied by a money loan from a bank. For this loan, the lender wishes to obtain security in the form of a mortgage lien, which is recorded in a mortgage deed.

The property on which the mortgage rests is called the collateral. In case the borrower defaults and fails to repay the mortgage then the bank as mortgagee has the right to sell the collateral at public sale (an auction).

The order for making a mortgage deed is sent by the bank directly to our office, after which we contact the client.

It is also possible to borrow within the family or circle of acquaintances. Security for this can therefore be provided in the form of a mortgage lien on the debtor’s home.

Distribution of Real Estate

After the death of the owner of a registered property or upon the dissolution of a marital community of property, cohabitation agreement or any community in which a registered property was co-owned, an undivided property arises and must be divided.

In the above cases, often the registry property must be assigned, for example, to one of the heirs or, after divorce or dissolution of a cohabitation agreement, to one of the partners. This will have to be notarized through a deed of partition.

When distributing a registry property registered in the name of a deceased person, the research to be done by our firm is very extensive. Therefore, it is not wise to wait long before having a deed of partition drawn up. Even after the dissolution of marriage or a cohabitation agreement, it is important not to delay the division, for example, both parties remain liable for the mortgage loan.

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